Bazaar Night Out!
нд, 16.01
|Hare And Hounds
A Space Where Creatives Get Creative!

Час и място
16.01.2022 г., 18:00 ч. – 23:00
Hare And Hounds, 106 High St, King's Heath, Birmingham B14 7JZ, UK
За събитието
Where creatives get creative!
After a successful first event, we are proud to announce our second event!
Bazaar is about bringing all creatives together regardless of background, status, or genre.
Consciously existing in one space to create links, networking, and GOOD VIBES!!
Doors open from 6 pm for music
The show begins at 7:30 pm SHARP!!
Lineup: Shakti Blu, Mani, Corey Cosmos, EarthtoEmily, 'We Are The Conversation', Ray Heart, ARNi, Olly Powell, Meliah, Oluv, Ellisse, T Wavez, Gelato 33, Dr. Dome, GLUE, Thea & Ava.
Astrology talk by Hamidi from Success Forever Astrology at 7-7:30 pm
Ticket price: from £5
Door times: 6PM
Genre: Alternative, Indie, Rap, RnB
3 часа 30 минутиPerformances
Main Room
Early Bird
Limited Tickets! Entry For Family & Friends
5,35 GBP+0,13 GBP Такса за обслужванеПродаденоPerformance Ticket
Stalls, Performing or Staff
0,00 GBPПродаденоStandard
Limited Tickets! Entry For Performances
7,00 GBP+0,18 GBP Такса за обслужванеПродадено
Това събитие е разпродадено